atrogue/README - basic information This file is part of atrogue, a "Rogue-like game" created by Arne Thomassen; atrogue is basically released under certain versions of the GNU General Public License and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Read the file COPYING for license details. Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Arne Thomassen atrogue is a "Rogue-like game" - a certain kind of turn-based, single-player dungeon exploration adventure - for text terminals on computers with Unix-like operating systems. A short gameplay description: you try to find a way through a magic dungeon with nasty traps, in search of the Amulet of Yendor which is concealed somewhere deep in the dungeon. You fight against hostile creatures with magic actions and weapons and try to escape the dungeon alive and with lots of gold. Since many things in this game depend on chance, you get a different dungeon each time you play it. Requirements: a Unix-like operating system; a C compiler; a "curses" library for terminal control. For an installation description, read the file INSTALL. For extensive documentation, open the file atrogue/docu/index.html with a web browser; atrogue allows you to set several configuration options and preferences, e.g. for gameplay difficulty, dungeon size and color support. The project home page is . There you can find more information about the project and the most recent version of the package. Please note that this is an early release of atrogue (technobabble: "alpha development status"). Although "it works for me", it might have severe bugs... If you want to report a bug or problem, please make sure that you are using the most recent available version of atrogue and that the problem is not yet listed in the "Known Problems" section on the project web pages. (Reports about old versions and known problems are quite pointless.) Also please include the information which is generated by the command "make report" into your report; this helps to find the cause of the problem. It might also help if you include a log file snippet or a screenshot - have a look at the command-line arguments and keyboard commands in atrogue/docu/.