atrogue Documentation
for Users
The Map Screen


The map screen is shown most of the time during the game. It consists of three parts: the dungeon map, a message line and a statistics/state line.

The Dungeon Map

The dungeon map shows the regions of the current section which you already explored and all creatures and objects which you can currently perceive. This little example shows two rooms which are connected by a tunnel:

                -------- --
                |       > |
                |         +
           #####          |
           #    -----------

The dungeon consists of storeys. As you proceed downward, the storeys become increasingly difficult and diverse. Each storey consists of one or more separate big rectangular areas which are called sections. A section usually consists of several small rectangular rooms which provide objects and are populated by creatures. The rooms are connected by tunnels.

The text characters in the map have the following meaning; of course we don't reveal everything - there should be something left for you to discover! :-)

There can also be creatures, which are mostly represented by letters; a lowercase letter usually means that the creature currently doesn't act, e.g. because it's sleeping. If you have enabled color support, most creatures appear in red color. As you get deeper into the dungeon, you meet more and stronger creatures and ones with special abilities which make your life harder.

There are also text characters which represent objects lying around in the dungeon. If you have enabled color support, most objects appear in green color. As you get deeper into the dungeon, you can find "better" objects - more solid armor, stronger magic potions and scrolls etc.

The Message Line

The message line below the dungeon map contains messages (what else:-) which appear during the game, e.g. when you pick up an object or when a creature hits. If you read "-more-" at the end of this line, there are more messages available which didn't fit into the line; press <Space> to get them.

The Statistics/State Line

The statistics/state line contains lots of information about game statistics and your current state. An example:

L:c1  H:n12/12 S:16/16 E:0  A:3  M:15&0  T:9 C:3 LN

The individual parts of this line have the following meaning:

To the right of these, some letters might appear, describing the player character's current state further:

The maximum health and strength values increase as you gain experience during the game.

This documentation file is part of version 0.3.0 of atrogue, a "Rogue-like game" created by Arne Thomaßen. atrogue is basically released under certain versions of the GNU General Public License and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Arne Thomaßen. The project home page is