atrogue Documentation
for Users
Keyboard Commands
You play atrogue by entering keyboard commands. Most commands consist of a
single key, some commands require additional input like an object inventory letter or a direction key. For some
commands, you can give a "count/number" parameter in advance by entering the
command "C", telling atrogue e.g. how many darts you want to throw or for how
many turns you want to rest.
Movement Keys
The most important keyboard commands concern moving around in the dungeon.
You can move in eight directions; but diagonal moves aren't always possible,
e.g. when you want to enter or leave a tunnel - the doorways are quite narrow.
There are three kinds of movement commands: you can move a single step or until
you get "next to something of interest" or until you are stopped by e.g.
running into a wall. Additionally, you can move a certain number of steps by
combining the command "C" and a single-step movement key.
Single-step moves can be made by pressing the following keys. The
letters are the same as in some other Rogue-like games; to make comfortable use
of the number keys, activate the keypad. For horizontal and vertical movement,
you can also use the cursor keys, but it seems that these don't work with all
k, 8
y, 7 | u, 9
\ | /
h, 4 ---+--- l, 6
/ | \
b, 1 | n, 3
j, 2
To move until you're stopped by something, use the above letter keys
(not number or cursor keys) in combination with the <Shift> key. To move
until "next to something of interest", use <Control> instead of
<Shift>. (The exact behavior of these kinds of moves will change in later
versions - they don't yet work as intended.)
To fight a creature, move in its direction as if you wanted to run
into it. To pick an object which is lying around in the dungeon, move on
its location.
Other Keys
The following other keyboard commands can be used; they are roughly sorted
alphabetically; uppercase and lowercase letters are different. For some
commands, you can give a "count/number" parameter in advance with the command
"C", as explained below. Some commands ask you for a direction; you can then
use any of the above movement keys to specify the direction. Some commands
(e.g. throwing) concern an object from your pack; in such cases, you are asked
for a letter representing an inventory object; please read the inventory handling documentation for details. You can
cancel any command which requires additional information by pressing the
<Escape> key; if this needs a longer time on your terminal to take
effect, try Ctrl-e instead.
- a - apply
apply a weapon or tool from your pack in a special way or invoke the power
of a magic object, or un-apply a permanently applied tool such as a cape. You
can use this e.g. to light a lantern.
- c - close a door
close a nearby door in horizontal or vertical direction; you can't close a
door which is blocked, e.g. by a creature.
- C - give a count/number
give a count/number argument in advance for another command which can use
such an argument (movement, drop, pick, rest, sleep, throw); the current count appears in the statistics line of the map screen.
- d - drop
drop an object from your pack; you can't immediately drop armor you're
currently wearing (use the command "T" to take it off first) or a ring on hand
(use the command "R" to remove it first) or a permanently applied tool (such as
a cape; use the command "a" to un-apply it first). - You can use the command
"C" in advance, e.g. if the object consists of five stones and you want to drop
only one or two of them.
- e - eat food
eat some food from your pack; you should do this when the player character
is hungry or weak or (at the latest!) starts fainting.
- E - explain/help
display a little help message; if you don't know what you should do next in
a certain situation during the game, try this command. Sometimes you get a
specific help message, otherwise a rather general information about the next
longer-term goal you should try to reach.
- g - glimpse
glimpse at something that is shown on the dungeon
map; this allows you to select a location on the map (e.g. a creature or
object symbol) and to get a descriptive message about what's there. If the compile-time configuration option OPTION_TEXTMODEMOUSE
is enabled, you can get such messages more easily by just clicking the location
with the mouse.
- i - show inventory list
display a complete inventory list of all the objects you are carrying,
sorted by object letters; please read the inventory
handling and scrollable texts documentation for
- I - show special inventory list
display a special part of the inventory list; you are asked what shall be
listed; press a key: ">" provides the usual complete inventory, sorted by
object letters; "<" provides the complete inventory, sorted by object
classes; "g" counts all pieces of gold in the inventory; "u" provides a list of
all unpaid objects, useful in shops; or you can enter a character which is used
in the dungeon map for an object class, e.g. "?"
for magic scrolls. For more information, please read the inventory handling and scrollable
texts documentation.
- m - move onto
move on a location without picking an object which is lying there; you can
also use this command to move without accidentally hitting a creature - useful
if you can't see whether a creature is on the location and you want to avoid
- o - open a door
open a nearby door in horizontal or vertical direction; if the door is
locked, you need a matching key to open it - or some other means.
- p - pick up an object
pick up the object which is lying on the ground at the current location;
this is useful e.g. if you used the command "m" to move onto a location and now
decide that you want to pick the object which is lying there. - You can use the
command "C" in advance, e.g. if the object consists of five darts and you want
to pick only one or two of them.
- P - put a ring on hand
put a magic ring from your pack on the left or right hand
- q - quaff a potion
quaff a magic potion from your pack
- Q - quit
quit atrogue; the current dungeon, your pack and the information about
magic objects are lost and forgotten; when you start atrogue the next time, you
get a different dungeon...
- r - read a scroll
read a magic scroll from your pack
- R - remove a ring
remove a magic ring from the left or right hand; you can't remove
cursed rings!
- s - search
search for hidden doorways and other things in the neighborhood
- S - sleep
fall asleep on your current location for a single tick. You can use the
command "C" in advance if you want to sleep for more than one tick. You might
sleep for a little longer than you expected, and you don't necessarily wake up
when a creature arrives near you; so sleeping is somewhat "dangerous", but you
heal faster than when simply resting.
- t - throw
throw an object from your pack in a certain direction; you can't
immediately throw armor you're currently wearing (use the command "T" to take
it off first) or a ring on hand (use the command "R" to remove it first) or a
permanently applied tool (such as a cape; use the command "a" to un-apply it
first). - You can use the command "C" in advance, e.g. if the object consists
of fifty pieces of gold and you want to throw only ten of them.
- T - take off armor
take off the armor you're currrently wearing; you can't take off
cursed armor!
- v - version information
show a short message about the current version of atrogue; for more, use
the command "V" instead.
- V - extended version/software information
show verbose information about the current version of atrogue, the license,
possible other software (e.g. the version of the "ncurses" library, if you use
that) etc.
- w - wield a weapon
wield (pull out) a weapon from your pack; you can be wielding only one
weapon at a time
- W - wear armor
wear some piece of armor from your pack; you can be wearing only one piece
of armor at a time
- x - unwield a weapon
unwield the weapon you're currently wielding; you can't unwield
cursed weapons!
- X - extended command
perform one of the following special commands:
- "c" - cast a spell; that is, recite the title of a scroll you found some
time during the game but don't have anymore. Since there's no helping magic
energy of a scroll here, this costs you more magic energy than reading a scroll
with the command "r". Not all scroll titles can be used to cast a spell, and
you might currently not have enough energy to cast certain spells. How much
energy a spell costs also depends on your current state; the necessary magic
energy for each spell is shown in the list of spells you get when using this
command. The list is implemented as a scrollable text.
- "C" - lets you call a magic object from your pack, i.e. give it a
name; you can use this to write up a guess about the effect of a magic object
which you could not yet identify
- "m" - show everything you already found out about magic objects; the
list is implemented as a scrollable text
- "M" - turn mouse click recognition on/off (if the compile-time configuration option OPTION_TEXTMODEMOUSE
is enabled)
- "s" - save a screenshot of the current map into a text file named
".atrogue-screenshot-<number>" in your home directory
- "+"/"-" - increase/decrease the interval between animation steps (if the compile-time configuration option OPTION_ANIMATION is
- z - zap with a wand, staff or rod
zap with a magic wand (metal), staff (wood) or rod (prismatic glass) from
your pack in a certain direction
- . (dot) or 5 - rest on location
rest on your current location for a single tick. You can use the command
"C" in advance if you want to rest for more than one tick; resting is
interrupted e.g. when a creature arrives near you. The key "5" is useful when
you move via keypad.
- > (the "greater than" character) - climb down one storey; descend
climb down to the next storey if you're standing on a "downstairs" location
(marked on the map with the same character) and aren't levitated
- < (the "less than" character) - climb up one storey; ascend
climb up to the previous storey if you're standing on an "upstairs"
location (marked on the map with the same character); such stairs might only
appear if you have got the Amulet of Yendor!
- ? (question mark) - show a help screen
show a help screen which lists all available keyboard commands with short
explanations; this is implemented as a scrollable text.
- Ctrl-d - kick
kick a nearby creature, a locked door or other obstacle or object
- Ctrl-p - previous message
show the previous message; you can read older messages by pressing this key
combination several times before a new message appears.
- Ctrl-w - wish
wish for rescue in a seemingly hopeless situation; you can summon the magic
of the dungeon so that it fulfills a few rare wishes; what you can wish for
depends on the difficulty preference and your experience and other factors; in
general, you can wish for a teleportation or for certain objects. Be warned
that you have to pay a price of some kind for each fulfilled wish; for example:
you may lose important objects from your pack, or they become cursed or age
more quickly, or your luck may deteriorate, or you are teleported back into an
earlier storey or a big maze, or you are teleported repeatedly after a few
actions, or you get chained to an iron ball which slows down your motions. And
don't try to leave a shop with unpaid items this way...
- Ctrl-x - base attributes
show a screen with some base attributes of the player character such as
current/initial role, conduct and statistics. This screen also provides a
template for the command-line option
"--pref=string"; you can simply copy-paste it (maybe you have to toggle
the mouse handling mode with the key combination "X"-"M" to enable copy-paste
before you enter this screen).
- Finally, you can enter any character which represents a certain class of
objects to view a partial inventory which only lists objects of that class; the
characters are the same as those used in the dungeon
map. This shortcut only doesn't work for magic scrolls here, because the
key "?" shows a help screen; use the key sequence "I?" instead.
Missing Commands
The following commands have not yet been implemented in this release of
atrogue; they will be available in a future version...
- Save the current state of the game into a file so that you can resume the
game (e.g. some days or a week) later; this can't yet be implemented because
the final set of features (many of which have to be considered when saving a
game) of atrogue isn't yet clear enough.
Scrollable Texts
During gameplay, you are sometimes provided with longer texts, especially
the inventory listings. These are implemented as "scrollable texts": if a text
is so long that it doesn't fit on your screen, you can scroll it up and down.
The bottom line explains which keys can be pressed and which effect they
You can scroll with the Cursor-up/down keys, if they work on your terminal.
You can also scroll with the usual j/k keys, unless you are asked to select a
letter, e.g. for an inventory item - in such cases, use the key combinations
with Shift or Control or the digits for scrolling.
As usually, you can always cancel the current operation with the Escape and
Ctrl-e keys.
This documentation file is part of version 0.3.0 of atrogue, a
"Rogue-like game" created by Arne Thomaßen.
atrogue is basically released under certain versions of the GNU General Public
License and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Arne
Thomaßen. The project home page is