atrogue Documentation
for Users
Keyboard Commands


You play atrogue by entering keyboard commands. Most commands consist of a single key, some commands require additional input like an object inventory letter or a direction key. For some commands, you can give a "count/number" parameter in advance by entering the command "C", telling atrogue e.g. how many darts you want to throw or for how many turns you want to rest.

Movement Keys

The most important keyboard commands concern moving around in the dungeon. You can move in eight directions; but diagonal moves aren't always possible, e.g. when you want to enter or leave a tunnel - the doorways are quite narrow. There are three kinds of movement commands: you can move a single step or until you get "next to something of interest" or until you are stopped by e.g. running into a wall. Additionally, you can move a certain number of steps by combining the command "C" and a single-step movement key.

Single-step moves can be made by pressing the following keys. The letters are the same as in some other Rogue-like games; to make comfortable use of the number keys, activate the keypad. For horizontal and vertical movement, you can also use the cursor keys, but it seems that these don't work with all terminals.

       k, 8
  y, 7  |  u, 9
      \ | /
h, 4 ---+--- l, 6
      / | \
  b, 1  |  n, 3
       j, 2

To move until you're stopped by something, use the above letter keys (not number or cursor keys) in combination with the <Shift> key. To move until "next to something of interest", use <Control> instead of <Shift>. (The exact behavior of these kinds of moves will change in later versions - they don't yet work as intended.)

To fight a creature, move in its direction as if you wanted to run into it. To pick an object which is lying around in the dungeon, move on its location.

Other Keys

The following other keyboard commands can be used; they are roughly sorted alphabetically; uppercase and lowercase letters are different. For some commands, you can give a "count/number" parameter in advance with the command "C", as explained below. Some commands ask you for a direction; you can then use any of the above movement keys to specify the direction. Some commands (e.g. throwing) concern an object from your pack; in such cases, you are asked for a letter representing an inventory object; please read the inventory handling documentation for details. You can cancel any command which requires additional information by pressing the <Escape> key; if this needs a longer time on your terminal to take effect, try Ctrl-e instead.

Missing Commands

The following commands have not yet been implemented in this release of atrogue; they will be available in a future version...

Scrollable Texts

During gameplay, you are sometimes provided with longer texts, especially the inventory listings. These are implemented as "scrollable texts": if a text is so long that it doesn't fit on your screen, you can scroll it up and down. The bottom line explains which keys can be pressed and which effect they have.

You can scroll with the Cursor-up/down keys, if they work on your terminal. You can also scroll with the usual j/k keys, unless you are asked to select a letter, e.g. for an inventory item - in such cases, use the key combinations with Shift or Control or the digits for scrolling.

As usually, you can always cancel the current operation with the Escape and Ctrl-e keys.

This documentation file is part of version 0.3.0 of atrogue, a "Rogue-like game" created by Arne Thomaßen. atrogue is basically released under certain versions of the GNU General Public License and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Arne Thomaßen. The project home page is