atrogue Documentation
for Users
Inventory Handling


The inventory is a list of all the objects you are currently carrying in your pack. It can contain the objects you had when you entered the dungeon as well as any object you picked up somewhere during the game. You can read the complete inventory with the keyboard command "i". You can read special, partial inventories with "I", or e.g. with a dungeon map symbol like "/" for a list of wands. If you have enabled color support, some objects are listed in certain colors: armor in green, weapons in yellow and magic objects in blue color. Inventories are provided as scrollable texts.

When you keep picking objects while moving around, you become slower and your pack finally gets "full"; at this point, you have to decide whether you leave an object lying on the ground or rather drop one or more objects from your pack and pick the other; to pick a "heavy" object, you may have to drop several "light" objects.

All objects have a limited lifetime. If you use them intensively or carry them around for a long time, they might fall to pieces - and magic objects might lose their charges.

An Inventory Example

When you just entered the dungeon, your inventory might look like this:

Complete Inventory

] (a) ring mail (+1; d=3; being worn)
) (b) a mace (+2; d=7; in hand)
) (c) a bow (+0; d=1)
) (d) 25 arrows (+1; d=3)

Each inventory line shows one object and consists of

The information in parentheses means:

Object Selection

For some keyboard commands, you have to provide additional information. For example, when you use the command "t" to throw an object, you are asked "throw what?". At this point, you can directly enter a lowercase letter for the object you want to throw.

If you don't remember the letter, you can instead press ">" in order to view a list of all inventory entries which can be used with the given command; press "<" instead for a list which is sorted by object classes. - For throwing, objects of any class are allowed; for reading, only scrolls are allowed; etc. If only certain classes are allowed, the question is followed by a list of characters representing the allowed classes in quotation marks. Example: zap with what? "/"

If you know in advance that you want to select an object of a certain class, you can enter the character which represents that class of objects (the same characters are used in the dungeon map and in the leftmost column of the inventory list) to view a partial inventory which only contains objects of that class. If you hear a beep instead of getting the inventory, this means that you don't have any object of that class. (Some terminals can't produce the beep; in this case, you don't get any effect.)

When you view the inventory list, you can enter the lowercase letter to select an object directly; you can also press <Escape> in order to get back to the map screen first and enter the letter (or do anything else) there.

This documentation file is part of version 0.3.0 of atrogue, a "Rogue-like game" created by Arne Thomaßen. atrogue is basically released under certain versions of the GNU General Public License and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Arne Thomaßen. The project home page is